France Calling Code
Search City, Country: France, Country Code: 33, time zone: Europe/Paris
Reduce the list. Select first letter of the city:
A (6), B (3), C (5), F (1), H (1), I (7), L (3), M (2). N (5), P (7), S (2).
City List, found 29 items (full list):
Alsace Aquitaine (2 items) Ardèche- Ain- Drôme- Loire- and Rhône (2 items) Auvergne Basse Normandie Bourgogne Bretagne Centre (2 items) Champagne - Ardenne Corsica | Côte d'Azur Franche Comtè Haute Normandie Île-de-France (6 items) Isère- Savoie- or Haute-Savoie Languedoc Roussillon Limousin Lorraine Midi Pyrènèes (2 items) | Nord Pas-de-Calais (3 items) Northeast France Northwest France Paris Region Pays de la Loire (2 items) Picardie Poitou Charente Provence (2 items) Southeast France and Corsica Southwest France |