Swaziland Calling Code
Search City, Country: Swaziland, Country Code: 268, time zone: Africa/Mbabane
Reduce the list. Select first letter of the city:
B (4), H (2). L (2). M (16), N (3), P (1), S (6), T (2).
City List, found 27 items (full list):
Bhunya (2 items) Big Bend (2 items) Hlathikulu Hluthi Lobamba Ludzeludze Mahamba Mahwalala Malkerns | Mankayane Manzini (2 items) Maphiveni Matsapha (2 items) Mbabane (3 items) Mhlambanyatsi Mhlume (2 items) Mpaka Ngwenya | Nhlangano Nsoko Pigg's Peak Sidwashini Simunye (2 items) Siphocosini Siphofaneni Siteki Tshaneni (2 items) |