Local time in Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona Area Code
Area code for Phoenix, Arizona, United States: 602 • Click on number to see if there are other places in our database with same area code.
International calling code for United States is: 1
How to Dial?
Calling from | Calling to | Dialing example |
Abroad* | Phoenix, Arizona | +1 602 [Local number]** |
United States*** | Phoenix, Arizona | (1+)602 [Local number] |
United States | Abroad | 011 [Country Code] [Area Code] [Local number] |
Local time in Phoenix, Arizona (in moment when this page is generated):
Monday, 2024-12-30, 10:46 Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours: -07:00 (MST time zone).
*Some countries have different international call prefix. Find Your country on our site for more details.
**Many phones have international call prefix list, but they show only a plus sign (+).
***Dialing from United States but outside of area code 602